Monday, July 9, 2012

Marshall's Boat Contest

When I was interning in a 4th grade classroom I wanted to create a science project that the students had never done before and hopefully one that would excited them all. I pulled it out of my old files to share with you because it ended up being a huge success!

I created Marshall's Boat Company who is in need of a new boat design. The students work in teams to design and create a boat to enter into a contest. At the end of the project, the students see how many marbles their boat can hold without sinking in a tub of water.

Materials included:
  • Challenge instructions
  • Mock challenge letter from boat company
  • Plan of action worksheet
  • Boat design worksheet
  • Letter to parents
  • Team score card
  • Letter to the winning team
  • Project reflection

This project must be used after the students have been presented with a unit on the states of  matter including topics such as mass, density, buoyancy and water displacement. I have also simplified this project by limiting the students to using only a piece of foil to build their boat. The materials you use on this project to build the boat is up to you so you can always make it more challenging! 


  1. I love it! I do a boat challenge with my 3rd graders and we use coins.

    I am awarding you The Versatile Blogger Award, check it out on my blog.

    Penny @


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